
Project 365: Day 051

This is the view as I lay dying under this tree trying to rest after almost making it around the full lake (40 min ride). I can't even imagine how long it would take me to walk it but forever seems to ring true. I would have made it except I attempted to change gears, which I have never understood and still obviously don't, and my bike got all out of whack forcing me to stop. Once stopped, my body realized it should seize the moment and threaten collapse before it might be forced to work some more. Luckily, I brought some water with me in a backpack. Two years away from my San Franciscan lifestyle, two different sagas with physical therapists* and I am completely out of shape but NOT FOR LONG!!!!!! YAYs!!!!

*FYI-the physical therapists highly recommended the bike riding as opposed to walking for me as the way to go as it works the muscles I need without causing me more injury.


Angela said...

I like your view from under the tree! Glad you are getting out and exercising but don't over do it!

Uniflame said...

what an awesome picture!

Karrie said...

Love that picture!! It is great to hear you are getting back out there. I can't wait for the warmer weather so I can too! <3

Angela said...

Ok, I am getting worried about you now. Last we heard you were under a tree...you ok?

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