There are a few items making their way into my life which I am regarding as New year/New Gear and some other items which have been hanging around for a bit which fit into my Dusty Gear/This year category.
Two areas of focus for both Y and myself in 2011: Health and Organization.
We are out of shape.
Need to trim down.
Decided to live in reality.
Have given up on the fantasy shortcut.
Due to so many moves over the past few years, unpacking and setting up fully was never realized.
Our offices and studios need major help.
We are determined to organize and beautify.
I plan on sharing both the gear and effect it has on these two current areas of focus. Hopefully you can add to the ideas here by sharing your gear and effect as well.
This first one is a Dusty Gear/This Year health item. I originally bought this so I could ride my bike in the winter back in 2009. A great idea never realized, until today.
Stella finally got her winter/indoor makeover. We used to live near a lake with a riding path. I'm way too much of a scaredy cat to ride on the streets with cars so... hellooooooo, indoor trainer! Makes me sound all pro, LOL. I purchased a CycleOps Mag trainer at REI with the yearly member discount coupon of 20% off and used my accumulated dividends for a super sweet deal.
I've got her setup downstairs across from my office so I can see her while I'm on my computer. Calling to me.
Only two things:
1. Wow, she's a tall mount and worse dismount. Need to figure that out. Do I need a step to get on and off? hahahahah
2. In front of the stove when it's been heating the downstairs, not so good. In front of the sliding door for fresh air and a backyard view brilliant.
Stella's going to be real good to me this year. I can feel it.
What's your new or dusty workout gear helping you out this year?
Better yet, do you have a tried and true secret weapon?
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Two areas of focus for both Y and myself in 2011: Health and Organization.
We are out of shape.
Need to trim down.
Decided to live in reality.
Have given up on the fantasy shortcut.
Due to so many moves over the past few years, unpacking and setting up fully was never realized.
Our offices and studios need major help.
We are determined to organize and beautify.
I plan on sharing both the gear and effect it has on these two current areas of focus. Hopefully you can add to the ideas here by sharing your gear and effect as well.
This first one is a Dusty Gear/This Year health item. I originally bought this so I could ride my bike in the winter back in 2009. A great idea never realized, until today.
Stella finally got her winter/indoor makeover. We used to live near a lake with a riding path. I'm way too much of a scaredy cat to ride on the streets with cars so... hellooooooo, indoor trainer! Makes me sound all pro, LOL. I purchased a CycleOps Mag trainer at REI with the yearly member discount coupon of 20% off and used my accumulated dividends for a super sweet deal.
I've got her setup downstairs across from my office so I can see her while I'm on my computer. Calling to me.
Hey Z!
A quick ride, yes?
5 minutes.
Only two things:
1. Wow, she's a tall mount and worse dismount. Need to figure that out. Do I need a step to get on and off? hahahahah
2. In front of the stove when it's been heating the downstairs, not so good. In front of the sliding door for fresh air and a backyard view brilliant.
Stella's going to be real good to me this year. I can feel it.
What's your new or dusty workout gear helping you out this year?
Better yet, do you have a tried and true secret weapon?